primary care 初級保健〔指對疾病或健康狀況的初步診斷和治療〕。
初級保健〔指對疾病或健康狀況的初步診斷和治療〕。 “primary“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.第一的,最初的,初級的;初等的;基本的;基 ...“care“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.憂煩,憂念;掛念,思念;心事,牽累。 2.關懷 ...“adviser primary health care“ 中文翻譯: 初級保健顧問“capitated primary care network“ 中文翻譯: 按人口計算的初級治療網“chinese primary health care“ 中文翻譯: 中國初級衛生保健“division of primary health care“ 中文翻譯: 初級衛生保健處“primary care computing“ 中文翻譯: 初級護理計算機應用“primary care curriculum“ 中文翻譯: 初級監護課程“primary care hospital“ 中文翻譯: 初級保健醫院“primary care nursing“ 中文翻譯: 初級護理學“primary care physician“ 中文翻譯: 初級護理醫師“primary care support“ 中文翻譯: 初級護理支持“primary care system“ 中文翻譯: 初級護理系統“primary care unit“ 中文翻譯: 初級護理部; 初級監護室“primary eye care“ 中文翻譯: 初級眼保健“primary health care“ 中文翻譯: 初級衛生保健,初級保健“primary health care programme“ 中文翻譯: 初級衛生保健計劃“primary health-care officer“ 中文翻譯: 初級保健干事“primary medical care“ 中文翻譯: 初級醫療保健“primary surgical care“ 中文翻譯: 初期外科處埋“primary-care network“ 中文翻譯: 初級護理網“community-based primary health care“ 中文翻譯: 以社區為主的第一線醫療網“hong kong primary care foundation“ 中文翻譯: 香港基層醫護基金“ngo grouon primary health care“ 中文翻譯: 非政府組織初級保健小組“primary health care foundation of china“ 中文翻譯: 中國初級衛生保健基金會
primary coil |
We shall develop a pluralistic primary care model to provide community - based , patient - centred and integrated health care services to the community so as to enhance the health of the population by promoting lifelong wellness and care , improve health outcomes through self management and carer support , and improve the cost - effectiveness of the health care system through rationalization of service delivery and strengthening collaboration with other community - based health care providers 我們會推行多元基層護理模式,為公眾提供以社區及病人為本的綜合醫護服務,以期照顧和促進市民的終身健康,改善香港市民的健康情況。我們一方面通過病人自我照顧和對護理者的支援,提高醫療成效;另一方面,我們會重整提供服務的方式,并與其他以社區為本的醫護機構加強合作,以期提高醫護制度的成本效益。 |
On the other hand , any benefits deried from choosing a cigarette - free lifestyle may be for naught if primary care proiders don ' t fully understand bmd test results and steer their patients in the right direction toward maintaining optimum bone health , said another team from the cleeland clinic foundation 另據俄亥俄州克利夫蘭市臨床基金會的研究顯示,如果初級護理醫師不完全了解病人的骨密度測試結果,無法正確指導病人如何保持最佳骨密度,那么這些吸煙的骨質疏松癥患者在戒煙后可能身體狀況也未見得會有任何起色。 |
A recent survey conducted in hong kong by the departments of psychiatry and community & family medicine of the chinese university of hong kong found that over one fifth of patients attending primary care clinics were actually mentally sick but they presented with more physical rather than psychological symptoms and were treated accordingly 香港中文大學精神科學系與社區及家庭醫學系合作進行的一項調查研究發現,超過五分一到診所的病人其實是患有精神病的問題,但他們往往只表達其身體上的病癥,并給當作身體不適來處理。 |
The ha has also devised a standard referral letter for doctors in public primary care and private practice to ensure the necessary information are available and relevant investigations are conducted before the referral . this will enhance more appropriate referral to specific specialties and more accurate triage 醫管局亦擬備了一封標準的轉介信,供公立基層醫療人員及私人執業醫生采用,以確保專科門診診所在處理轉介個案時需要的資料皆齊備,及在轉介前已進行應作的檢驗,使專科門診診所可以更適切地安排病人到個別專科就診及更準確地進行分流。 |
He is journal reviewers for many leading international journals including social science and medicine , preventive medicine , journal of epidemiology and community health , health policy , health promotion international , preventive medicine , promotion and education , international journal of health education . he is also the founding editor - in - chief of journal of primary care and health promotion . he is member of board of trustee of international union for health promotion and education iuhpe and also regional leader of iuhpe global programme for health promotion effectiveness 他的其他公職包括:國際健康促進及教育聯盟理事會獲選會員、國際健康促進及教育聯盟北太平洋區地區地域辦事處(珠江三角洲)統籌、國際健康促進及教育聯盟全球提升健康促進成效計劃區域聯絡總監、第廿屆世界健康促進及健康教育大會籌備委員會主席、健康城?聯盟督導委員會委員等等。 |
The conference will enable health educators and health care professionals from around the world to strategize about the ways to work together to promote health through setting approaches . the centre also established the first local peer review journals in primary care and health promotion for primary care practitioners and health promotion practitioners 為建立一個平臺讓基層醫療及健康促進工作者發表高質素的研究及分享工作經驗,中心創辦了《基層醫療及促進健康期刊》 ,以推動改善及提升本地基層醫療及促進健康的水平。 |
His clinical specialty is family medicine and his research area of interest is family and community health with special interests in primary care health services research , primary care management of chronic disease , child and adolescent health , comprehensive school health programme , medical education and health education and health promotion 李教授的醫學專業為家庭醫學,致力于發展基層健康護理、健康教育及健康促進和健康服務之研究,并倡導健康學校及健康城市之發展,以推動香港健康促進工作為己任。 |
On the other hand , any benefits derived from choosing a cigarette - free lifestyle may be for naught if primary care providers don ' t fully understand bmd test results and steer their patients in the right direction toward maintaining optimum bone health , said another team from the cleveland clinic foundation 另據俄亥俄州克利夫蘭市臨床基金會的研究顯示,如果初級護理醫師不完全了解病人的骨密度測試結果,無法正確指導病人如何保持最佳骨密度,那么這些吸煙的骨質疏松癥患者在戒煙后可能身體狀況也未見得會有任何起色。 |
This requires a culture where everyone recognises that their work , whether in primary care or hospital care , may have wider public health implications , and that an illness in one patient may have consequences for the whole community , “ the report said 為此,須培養一種文化,讓每名醫護人員都明白,無論是負責基層護理或是住院護理,他們的工作也足以影響公共?生,而即使一個人的疾病亦可能會對整個社會帶來沖擊。 |
Because of the potential for rapid spread of viruses via air travel and urban development , a svrveillance system based on hospital and laboratory network is required for primary care physicians and health care workers to discover emerging viral diseases early 由于病毒可以經航空運輸和城市化迅速傳播,建立一個基于臨床和實驗室的病原學監測系統是早期發現新發病毒性疾病的關鍵。 |
Instead of being given a sedative to calm them , patients at the mental health learning disabilities network of the borders primary care trust at melrose in scotland are given a massage using lavender or camomile oil 在蘇格蘭的梅爾羅斯,博德斯基礎保健護理聯合中心的精神健康習得性無助護理分站中,他們給病人用的不是鎮靜劑,而是用薰衣草油或甘菊油做一次按摩。 |
A team from the uniersity ' s diision of primary care has created a method of testing for depression so clinicians can introduce additional treatment to enable patients to cope with the cancer more effectiely 來自大學初級護理部的研究小組開發了一種檢測抑郁癥的方法,用這種方法,臨床醫生可以判斷患者是否需要額外的治療,從而使他們能更有效地應付自身的疾病。 |
Local findings were similar to those elsewhere . the 1992 who study involving nearly 27 , 000 adult patients ( aged 18 to 64 ) from 15 primary care centres across the world reported the prevalence of mental disorders to be 24 % 世界衛生組織在一九九二年進行的同類調查,訪問了在世界各地共十五個診所,逾二萬七千名成年病人,發現患有精神病的比例為24 % 。 |
Conclusion houttuynia eyedrop in the treatment of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis demonstrates excellent efficacy , rapid symptomatic relief , and with no adverse reaction , which is worth to be widely used in primary care hospitals 結論采用魚腥草滴眼液治療流行性角膜結膜炎的療效確切,起效快,并無不良反應發生,值得在基層醫院廣泛推廣使用。 |
Through adjustment in fees , dr chow hoped more people who could afford it would switch to family doctors instead of relying on the public sector , thus facilitating the development of primary care in hong kong 周一岳說,透過調整收費可使有能力的市民考慮多采用家庭醫生所提供的服務,而避免每次也到急癥室求診,進一步鞏固基層護理的發展。 |
Journal of primary care and health promotion aims to provide a forum for the disseminatiion of high quality regional research and to enhance the standards of primary care and health promotion by focusing on best practice 《基層醫療及促進健康期刊》旨在建立一個平臺發表高質素的地區研究,并推動改善及提升基層醫療及促進健康的水平。 |
August 10 , 2007 ? primary care practice patterns for acute otitis media ( aom ) differ considerably from 2004 guideline recommendations , according to the results of a study reported in the august issue of pediatrics 2007年8月10日,根據本月出版的《兒科》的一項研究報告,急性中耳炎的初級醫療實際情況與2004年的推薦標準相差較大。 |
A woman was more likely to be sent on for additional tests by a specialist ( 95 . 1 % ) than by a primary care physician ( 27 . 8 % ) , the study authors found 研究負責人發現,在接受二次檢查的婦女中,聽從專業醫師勸告的比例占到了95 . 1 ,而接受初級護理醫師建議的則只有27 . 8 ,顯然專業醫師的話更有說服力。 |
Researchers followed a group of more than 10 , 000 mostly older male u . s . veterans with copd who were treated in veterans affairs primary care clinics from 1996 to 2001 研究人員隨訪了一組超過10000例大部分年齡更大的患者copd的美國男性退伍軍人,均于1996至2001年在退伍軍人事務初級保健門診治療。 |